Call for Submissions

The 11th International Conference on Teacher Education (ICTED) will be held on 13-15 November 2024 at Iloilo Convention Center, Iloilo City, Philippines. With the theme Preparing Teachers for Education 5.0 Toward Sustainable Futures: Thrusts, Challenges, and Praxis, the 2024 ICTED will provide many rich and meaningful opportunities to share and network with fellow students, teacher educators, researchers, policy makers, administrators, and allied professionals. 

This year’s theme, Preparing Teachers for Education 5.0 Toward Sustainable Futures: Thrusts, Challenges, and Praxis, examines the extent of how advances in technology have resulted in changes in education [thrusts and praxis]; and underscore that technology should serve the best interests of both learners and teachers (UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, 2023). Specifically, this year’s theme will advance careful, appropriate, equitable, and sustainable use of technology in education and reiterate the importance of using technology for a more humanized teaching [challenges]. The theme also covers key aspects of Education 5.0, such as generative AI, virtual and augmented reality, and other inventive tools in the context of teacher education and professional development.

ICTED 2024 aims to gather diverse perspectives from education stakeholders that will inform curriculum, instruction, assessment, capacity-building mechanisms, and policy formulation and implementation. Specifically, it invites submissions that will offer insights on the following strands:

• Artificial Intelligence
• Assessment
• Curriculum Development
• Distance Education
• Education in Emergencies
• Educational Neuroscience
• Educational Philosophy
• Educational Policy
• ICT in Education
• Knowledge Management
and Translation
• Learning Sciences
• Lifelong Learning
• Multimodalities
• Sociology of Education
• Teacher Quality, Teacher
• Learning and
• Alternative Learning
• Cognition, Motivation,
and Learning
• Counseling and Human
• Education in Emergencies
• Educational Policy
• Indigenous and
Multicultural Education
• Inclusive Education/
Special Needs Education
• Learning Spaces
• Mother Tongue or
Bilingual Education
• Psychometrics
• School Change and
• Youth Development
• Informal Learning or
• Character, Citizenship and
Moral Education
• Culture and Art Studies
• Early Childhood
• Gender and Development
• Humanities and Social
Studies Education
• Language and Literacy
• Microcredentialing
• Peace Education
• Physical Education &
• STEM Education
• Technical Vocational
Education and Training
• Visual and Performing

Guidelines for Submissions

The 11th ICTED invites submissions for individual paper sessions, workshops, poster presentations, and roundtable discussions. All submissions will undergo a double blind review by two referees and should follow the guidelines below:

Presentation Categories

Based on the evaluation of the Program Committee, submissions will be categorized into paper session, workshop, poster presentation, themed panel, or roundtable discussion. Each category is described as follows:

  1. Paper Session (20 minutes)

A paper session is an oral presentation of a completed empirical study that can be delivered by one or more authors. It is given a 20-minute time allotment, exclusive of the 15-minute open forum after all the presentations in the session have been made.

2. Workshop (60 minutes)

A workshop aims to discuss and demonstrate a proven instructional approach or assessment practice. It is given a 60-minute time block to make way for collaborative and experiential or technology-based activities. Materials, worksheets, and handouts are to be provided by the presenters. Workshop slots are limited to 20 participants.

3. Poster Presentation (20 minutes)

A poster presentation is primarily a visual report on a topic relevant to the conference theme or strand. This will take place during coffee breaks providing greater opportunity for presenters and participants to interact. Further information on the format of the posters will be included in the notice of acceptance.

4. Themed Panel Discussion (60 minutes)

A themed panel discussion is an oral presentation of an extensive research highlighting different aspects of the research. This is to be presented by three or more members of the research team.

5. Round-Table Discussion (RTD) (15 minutes)

A roundtable presentationis an oral presentation of a concept paper, on-going or completed study to gather feedback from and engage in an in-depth discussion with fellow scholars sharing similar interests. There will be two presenters per RTD. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to be followed by a 15-minute discussion.

To submit an abstract, please follow the instructions here: 

First Call for Abstracts:

  • July 5, 2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • July 20, 2024: Notification of acceptance

Second Call for Abstracts:

  • August 23, 2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • September 18, 2024: Notification of acceptance

Conference Rates:

Rates for PresentersLocalForeign
Early Bird Rate for Accepted Paper Presenters
(First Call for Abstracts Submission)
(Deadline: 16 September 2024)
PhP 9,000USD 300
Regular Rate for Accepted Paper Presenters
(Last Deadline: 15 October 2024)
PhP 10,000USD 350
Note: The registration fee covers the conference kit and meals.

For further inquiries, you may email us at