Registration Rates

Rates for Onsite ParticipantsLocal ParticipantsForeign Participants
Early Bird Rate for participants:
(Deadline: 16 September 2024)

Early Bird Rate for Presenters

First Call for Abstracts
(Deadline: 15 August 2024)

Second Call for Abstacts
(Deadline: 15 October 2024)
PhP 9,000USD 300
Regular Rate for Participants:
(17 September to 6 November 2024)
PhP 10,000USD 350
(13 November 2024)
PhP 11,000USD 400
Note: The registration fee covers the conference kit and meals.
Rates for Online ParticipantsLocal ParticipantsForeign Participants
Online Participants
(for plenary sessions only, limited to 500 slots)
PhP 3,000USD 100


Early Bird Participants:

  • Accomplished online Registration Form submitted on or before 16 September 2024.
  • Submitted scanned copy of proof of payment with the online registration form.

Accepted Paper Presenters (First Call for Abstracts):

  • Submitted accomplished online Registration Form on or before 15 August 2024.
  • Submitted scanned copy of proof of payment with the online Registration Form.

Accepted Paper Presenters (Second Call for Abstracts):

  • Submitted accomplished online Registration Form on or before 15 October 2024.
  • Submitted scanned copy of proof of payment with the online Registration Form.


1. The registration fee for onsite participants covers the conference kit and meals while the registration fee for online participants ensures an online slot in the plenary sessions.

2. All accepted presenters are required to pre-register online and pay the early bird rate of the registration fee on or before 15 August 2024 for those accepted during the First Call for Abstracts and on or before 15 October 2024 for those accepted during the Second Call for Abstracts.

3. Online registration will end on 6 November 2024.

4. Those interested to attend the conference but did not register online will have to register as walk-in participants on the first conference day.